What Does It Really Mean to Mind Shift

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose" - Robert Byrne 

If you were described as “talkative” or “inquisitive” as a child, odds are you already have developed some mind shifting skills. 

Have you ever thought about what it means to mind shift? Is it a skill you are born with or something you learn? If you read my previous post on the matter you likely already have an idea. Mind shifting is essentially strategic thinking, a vague buzz phrase used by some. The good thing is that this is a skill we can all learn. It is how we plan, think, and ask questions to grow and learn while we work toward a goal. 

It’s embracing what you were like when you were young, “talkative” child and asking questions, most importantly, “why?”

Mind shifting is based on a combination of knowledge, experiences, and your hunches. It’s about taking calculated and uncalculated risks that we hope will pay off in the future. It’s about shifting your focus from just doing things to thinking and planning what should be getting done. 

Three Behaviors That Inspire The Shift To Thinking Strategically

Switching your focus is easier said than done. To cultivate a mind of thinking strategically, these three behaviors can help.

1.    Ask why. Don’t accept doing something a specific way just because it’s the way it’s always been done. Ask yourself why it’s done that way. Ask whether there is a better way for it to be done. Thinking strategically is about knowledge so you can make an informed decision. Asking questions and listening to others’ opinions helps to supply you with the knowledge you need to make a well-informed decision.

2.    Look around. Spending every waking moment just going from one task to the next and checking things off the to-do list might seem productive. But ask yourself if the constant run on the wheel allows space for you to think strategically about what you are doing. To facilitate such a moment, pause. Take a step back occasionally and look around – observe what’s going on. Do you see anything that could be more efficient? Inventory who is doing what and how much each activity is helping things move forward. Look around, and then look at it all. Observe the big picture and examine the way the pieces fit together.

3.    Ponder often. Consider what gave you energy or took away your energy. Think about the activities that helped things move ahead or were wasted time. Reflection time each day allows you to ask yourself if you are on the right path, develop solutions, and track your goals and deadlines. It is in your reflection moments where inspiration and creativity truly have a chance to grow and be seen. 


When you focus on doing and making something happen by doing this and doing that, you are working hard. But activity does not guarantee accomplishments. Busyness does not equate to thinking strategically. Working and doing is necessary, but up to a point. 

Instead stop focusing on solely getting things done. Take a moment, determine your goals and map out a plan to accomplish it – even if you pick the first 3 steps. 

Strategic thinking… or, mind shifting, is inspiring. It helps you go from mindlessly going through the motions and carrying out the instructions of others to planning, observing and implementing in a way that allows you to achieve the goals you set.

Which of the three behaviors mentioned will you put into action today?