7 Steps to Build Resilience

Are you looking to build the skill of resilience to get you through tough times? Do you want to learn how to better manage your thoughts, actions, and life? Resilience is a skill that can be learned and cultivated. In order to develop this skill, you must practice applying new concepts to the small ways in which you live on a daily basis.  

These seven steps will help direct you toward resilience. 

1.   Develop your understanding of resilience.

“…and in all your getting, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7b, NKJV)

●     Life is something that you can either go through or grow through. Resilience requires the willingness to grow and adapt.

●     Life has peaks and valleys. It is always changing. If you're able to accept this, you'll find that you're more motivated to get curious about the lessons of each moment.

●     You’re not born with resilience, but you can develop this skill.

2.   MindSHIFT.

●     Enhance your emotion regulation skills. You have the freedom to choose your reactions. Your emotions and thoughts are not facts that you need to act on.

●     You can reframe any situation in order to see it from a positive perspective. Look at the situation in a new way and avoid mind-reading or attempts at predicting the future.

●     Practice mindfulness skills by doing something that directs your attention to the present moment.

●     Increase positive experiences by doing things you enjoy and making happy memories.

Jennifer Marie presents A Millennial Minister Blog post entitled "7 Steps to Build Resilience"

3.   Own It.

●     Take responsibility. It is impossible to be perfect all the time. We all make mistakes because we simply cannot always know what the right thing to do is. Admitting that you make mistakes will increase your resilience.

●     Get curious about the role you play in every part of your life. Even if someone wronged you, get curious about your behavior and reaction. You never have to blame yourself. Simply look at the situation so that you can learn how you want to behave in the future.

●     Apologize when you need to. This takes humility and courage, and it will strengthen all of the relationships in your life.

●     Let go of resentment. It can be difficult to move forward when anger is weighing on your shoulders. You do not have to carry this around anymore. You’re capable of letting go and forgiving.

4.   Build your community.

●     Community adds meaning to life and creates stronger connections between you and the world around you.

●     There are many ways to build your community. It is all about what is realistic and fun for you.

●     It does require effort and attention to develop new relationships. Talk to those you care about and actively listen to them.

●     Use your community to hold you accountable.

5.   Love Yourself First & More.

●     Begin with the basics. Take care of your body, brain, and environment.

●     Pay attention to the patterns of critical self-talk you play in your head. Replace these negative phrases with positive affirmations.

●     You are allowed to care about yourself. It is not selfish to prioritize yourself. It is necessary. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup.

6.   Get Moving.

●     Exercise is excellent for your short-term and long-term physical health.

●     Get your body moving to reduce your anxiety, depression, and stress. This is a great coping skill because it builds confidence and self-worth by changing your neural pathways in your brain.

●     There are many ways to exercise. Pick an activity that you enjoy. In fact, identify a few activities you enjoy. This way you can switch it up and avoid boredom.

●     The best way to get started is to get started. Go easy on yourself by setting goals that are achievable. You can always make these goals more difficult as you progress.

7.   Challenge yourself.

●     You may not need the outside help or motivation you think you do. Take action in your life and empower yourself. Recognize your strength and let it guide you through your actions.

●     Set goals with your wildest dreams in mind. Use these dreams to influence your short-term weekly goals. Ask your community to hold you accountable as you reach for these goals.

●     Use your values as a lighthouse. Look to them when it is dark and you're not sure which direction to go. Use your values to help propel you forward by thinking about what they look like in action. 

Which if these seven steps will you going to start with first? Comment & let me know.