Jennifer Marie

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11 Ways to Self-Motivate

Motivating Yourself Is A Learnable Skill

Everyone procrastinates at times. It’s human nature.  Even the most experienced and successful achievers can use a little help getting motivated from time to time. There are many tactics and strategies which can lift your motivation to the critical level necessary to get yourself moving again.

Try these techniques to motivate yourself and get things done:

1.     Choose happiness. It’s much easier to motivate yourself when you’re in a positive mood. Focus on the wonderful things in your life that fill you with gratitude. Annoying chores, like cleaning the basement won’t seem quite as daunting when you’re grateful for so many items. Keep focused on the positive things in your life.

2.     Finish what you start. A trail of unfinished projects can dampen anyone’s enthusiasm to start another. Avoid quitting before a task is 100% completed. You’ll be more interested in taking on new tasks when you expect to be successful. Success breeds success.

3.     Expect mistakes. The only definite way to avoid making mistakes is never do anything at all. The more mistakes you make, the more you’ll learn. Mistakes can be very positive. Learn to use them to your advantage.

4.     Stay present. If you’re worrying about the future or beating yourself up over the past, it’s challenging to get anything accomplished right now. Focus on your breathing for a few minutes if your mind is running wild.

5.     Focus on the result. You’ll find it difficult to get started if you sit around and think about all the work that needs to be done. Focus on the result and you’ll feel much more motivated.

6.     Reward yourself. You go to work every day because you know that a paycheck is coming your way. You wouldn’t go otherwise. Likewise, give yourself a small, but meaningful, reward when your work is complete. Determine the reward before you get started.

7.     Use a timer. Decide how long a task should take and see if you’re right. Set a timer and see if you can beat the clock. A little time pressure will help to keep you focused on your work. There are many timer apps and programs available at no cost.

8.     Read inspirational quotes. Reading inspirational quotes by those who have achieved great success can be very motivating. Spend a few minutes reading some great quotes and you’ll be sure to experience an enhanced level of enthusiasm. Consider creating a list of quotes that you can keep nearby in case of emergency.

9.     Consider the price of failure. What is the price of failing to follow through? Make a list of the negatives. Some of us are more driven by pain then we are by reward. Using both to your advantage can be powerful.

10.  Move your body. If you’re felling stuck, go for a brisk walk or a short run. Taking a short break every 60 minutes has been shown to increase productivity. Keep your breaks short so you don’t get off track.

11.  Measure your progress. Big goals or projects can takes years to complete. Measuring your progress along the way is a great way to keep your spirits high. Set short-term goals to keep you focused. 

One of the Adulting 101 lessons is that it’s important to be able to motivate ourselves. The most successful people are able to harness the power of self-motivation. A higher level of motivation will ensure that your work is done, done well and as quickly as possible. It’s time to get busy!